mine is the original day of defeat it is very bugged
motivating people to continue with their dreams :) and probably the only user from argentina xd also if you have any problem, tell me, I'll help you :)
Age 14, Male
Young to work
I am not going to say it
Joined on 6/9/24
Sea of Thieves probably. It's either the best game you've ever played or the worst, no in between xd,
The worst game I played would be Superman 64. God that game is terrible all it mostly is, is just Superman flying through rings at a time limit and the controls suck. The missions where you escort someone to a location is terrible because the characters walk slower than turd coming from a constipated sloth, and if you move far away from them enemies spawn. The boss battles are not good at all. I have beat the game, but at what cost? My sanity.